Netflix’s series “Society of the Snow,” also known as “La sociedad de la nieve,” has gained significant recognition for delving into the intricate details of the aftermath of the 1972 plane crash in the Andes. The survivors, striving to endure in the harsh conditions, became globally known for their resilience.
Jose Pedro Al Gorda, one of the 16 individuals who lived to recount the harrowing experience, has sparked curiosity about his current whereabouts. He was aboard the ill-fated flight 571, which departed from Montevideo, Uruguay, on October 12th, 1972. Unfortunately, the plane crashed into the snowcapped mountains the next day when attempting to cross the Andes en route to Santiago, Chile.
Stranded in a barren landscape with limited resources, Pedro, an economics student at the time, and his fellow survivors faced the challenge of survival. Despite the demoralizing news of the search being called off after 10 days, they persevered, resorting to cannibalism to ensure their survival. Pedro was eventually rescued on December 22nd, 1972.
In the years following the ordeal, Pedro chose to keep a low profile and refrained from publicly discussing the incident for about three and a half decades. He moved forward with his life, pursuing a career in economics with a job at a bank in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pedro got married, became a father of two, and maintained close bonds with fellow survivors.
While initially choosing to stay away from the limelight, Pedro’s attitude evolved over the years. Following the 2010 Copiapó mining accident in Chile, he flew to the country to assist the survivors, reflecting the parallels with his own experience. Subsequently, Pedro authored a book titled “Into the Mountains: The Extraordinary True Story of Survival in the Andes and Its Aftermath,” released on January 28th, 2016. This marked a shift in his approach, sharing his perspective on the 1972 crash more publicly.